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帮助无家可归的人英语作文_help homeless people 5篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 19:56:42 阅读: 次

帮助无家可归的人英语作文_help homeless people 5篇

前言: 关于”帮助无家可归的人“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:help homeless people 。以下是关于帮助无家可归的人的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”帮助无家可归的人“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:help homeless people 。以下是关于帮助无家可归的人的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:help homeless people

Everyone should have a decent home, good health, something meaningful to do and a satisfying relationship, so let's work together to provide housing, support and care for vulnerable and excluded people who have or are at risk of sleeping out on the street and homeless. Our goal is to ensure homelessness and exclusion. In order to achieve our goals, people can improve their quality of life, we should establish our core values: respect and ambition.

We respect the life history of the homeless, believe in their potential, and will help them realize their ambition, excellence and creativity. Our goal is to be the solution of excellence and creativity Meeting the changing needs of the homeless, equality and diversity we as a charity and a society have become richer by valuing diversity and striving for equality of opportunity. If you agree with us, please join us now to take care of the homeless.

We believe that with your help, the world will become better.




What does homeless mean when you lose your home, or you don't have a home? What's the feeling in your heart? There is no warm feeling, no hope, no place to live. There are many people who have no home to live in. Why is it possible that these people have never worked hard and never studied hard, which has caused problems.

Of course, maybe they have other reasons. I want to give some suggestions to young people. You must study hard and acquire rich knowledge to find a good job Or you'll regret it in the future.




Last week, our class held a class meeting. All the students expressed their opinions on how to help the homeless. We think of another problem.

The first one is to raise funds and then give money to those homeless people. This is not enough to buy them a new house, but at least it can help them survive in the short term. We can also give them clothes.

The homeless people don't have warm clothes to help them through the winter, so if we give them some we don't want or Another idea that they will appreciate is that we can find their homes and send them back. But we can still use the Internet or some other resources to find their homes. If there are, we can send them home to their families.

We really want to help them.



本文标题:帮助无家可归的人英语作文_help homeless people 5篇