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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-15 16:09:58 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”图书馆规则5句话“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Library Rules 5 Sentences。以下是关于图书馆规则5句话的五年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”图书馆规则5句话“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Library Rules 5 Sentences。以下是关于图书馆规则5句话的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Library Rules 5 Sentences

Library English Composition in Five Sentences


1. Libraries are wonderful places where one can broaden their horizons and learn new things.


2. Reading books is a great way to improve your English skills and enrich your vocabulary.


3. Libraries also provide access to a range of digital resources such as online journals and databases.


4. Libraries are important community resources that promote literacy and lifelong learning.


5. Let's make sure to support our local libraries and take advantage of all the resources they offer.


万能作文模板2:图书馆规则 5 个句子

Library Rules


1.Keep quiet in the library.


2.Only read or borrow the books and don't damage them.


3.Keep the library clean and tidy.


4.Return the borrowed books on time.


5.No eating drinking or smoking in the library.


6.Obey the librarian's instructions.


7.Use the library facilities properly and take good care of them.


8.Respect other readers' needs and avoid disturbing them.



Library Rules


A library is a place where knowledge and wisdom are stored. In order to ensure a peaceful and pleasant environment for all who visit it is important to follow the library rules. Here are some common library rules that everyone should be aware of


1. Keep quiet The library is a place for reading and studying so it is important to maintain a quiet atmosphere. Talking loudly or noise can disturb others who are trying to concentrate.

1. 保持安静图书馆是阅读和学习的场所因此需要保持安静的氛围大声谈话或制造噪音会打扰其他人的专注心思

2. Respect others Show respect to others who are using the library. Avoid disruptive behavior such as running fighting or eating in non-designated areas. Be considerate and mindful of others' needs and boundaries.

2. 尊重他人尊重正在使用图书馆的其他人避免在非指定区域奔跑、打斗或进食等性行为体谅和注意他人的需求和界限

3. Return books on time Borrowed books should be returned on time so that others can have access to them. Late returns inconvenience other library users and may result in fines or penalties.

3. 准时归还图书借阅的图书应该准时归还以便让其他人也能使用它们逾期归还会给其他图书馆用户带来不便并可能导致罚款或惩罚

4. Handle books with care Treat library materials with respect and care. Avoid writing doodling tearing pages or damaging books in any way. Remember that library resources are valuable and should be preserved for others to use.

4. 爱惜图书尊重和小心对待图书馆的资料避免任何形式的书写、涂鸦、撕页或损坏图住图书馆资源是宝贵的应该保留给其他人使用

5. Use electronic devices responsibly Mobile phones tablets and laptops can be used in the library but it is important to use them responsibly. Set devices to silent mode or use headphones to avoid disturbing others. Making phone calls should be done outside the library premises.

5. 负责任地使用电子设备在图书馆可以使用手机、平板电脑和笔记本电脑但是使用时必须负责任将设备调至静音模式或使用耳机以避免打扰他人打电话应该在图书馆外进行

By following these library rules we can create a harmonious and conducive environment for everyone to enjoy and benefit from. Let's respect the library and its resources and together we can foster a love for reading and learning.


Remember the library is a treasure trove of knowledge and a sanctuary for learning. Let's do our part in maintaining its integrity and ensuring its accessibility for generations to come.

